
Aerial shot of New Hope Lutheran Church

Serve In

Within our church there are many ways to build hope and work together to serve our New Hope family. We reach in, using our gifts, talents, and time to care for each other.
The Altar guild is a group of members who help prepare the sanctuary for each service. This includes the setup of communion, changing paraments and banners, filling and trimming candles, and placing floral arrangements each week.
We have seasonal music and a monthly praise band that are open to new participants. Reach out to the Ministry Assistant to find out how to join.
New Hope is available to support you through all events in your life. In difficult times, we offer luncheons and funeral services, along with other resources, to make the process easier. More information about funeral resources can be found on the Contact page. Reach out to the Ministry Assistant to find out how to volunteer.
We are grateful to have a beautiful place of worship where we gather. To keep it that way, members of our Trustees board aid in organizing and prioritizing any maintenance, repair, or improvements to our properties.

Fellowship Activities

Each Sunday following service, we come together to enjoy time as a community. The second Sunday of the month is Donut Sunday, and we find another week in the month to share a celebration dinner or to hold a chili cookoff. There are always snacks, hot coffee, and people to chat with.
Member of the praise team at New Hope Lutheran Church

Fellowship Volunteering

Please consider taking a turn as host or hostess by signing up! We encourage everyone to host or co-host once or twice per year. This is a ‘Willing Worker’ opportunity! Someone from the Fellowship Committee will be happy to work alongside you the first time. Find upcoming dates for volunteering on the sign up table in the Narthex or by clicking the button below.
    Bring a small treat (store-bought or home-made).
    Pour juice into cups for the kiddos.
    Tidy up to avoid any ant parades.
    The coffee will already be made!
    Juice, cups, plates, napkins & utensils are provided!
New Hope Lutheran Church congregation

Our Boards

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Serve Out

We serve our community with compassion and love, reaching in to use our gifts, talents, and time to care for the greater Hudsonville, Michigan area. We are commissioned to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19), so we dedicate a portion of our first fruits to support efforts to spread the good news of God’s grace.
Group of supporters at Night Lights Event 2022
Kids playing at Camp Concordia

Camp Concordia

Volunteering as a summer staff member at Camp Concordia is an incredibly rewarding opportunity. You will spend your time serving and helping Camp Concordia through a variety of different assignments and work projects. You will also have the opportunity to grow as a community, build your faith, and help serve Camp Concordia.

New Hope Garden

The New Hope garden is planted and cared for by members with the goal of sharing God’s blessings with the New Hope family and community. The garden is usually planted in May and harvested all year long. Produce is made available to the congregation on the back porch and then placed on the vegetable stand for the community to enjoy. – add photo of the garden stand, uploaded to google drive.

A family working in the New Hope Lutheran Church vegetable garden.

Helpful Resources

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Logo
This is the group of Lutheran churches that ‘walk together’ in common understanding and confession of the Good New of Jesus Christ for the world.
Michigan District: The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Logo
This is the district of the LC-MS that New Hope belongs to. Our district offices and staff are located in Ann Arbor, MI.
1517 Logo
The mission of 1517 is to uphold the legacy of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone in as many ways as possible. Explore blog posts, a podcasts, a publishing house, and a speakers bureau.