Location & Contact

We are located at:
3232 Port Sheldon St, 

Hudsonville, MI 49426

To speak to a church leader regarding an urgent situation:
Pastor Gary Kirschke has volunteered to be our interim contact for any situations where pastoral care would be of help or comfort.  He truly cares about ministering to our church family in this way until we have been blessed with a more permanent servant in this role, so please do not hesitate to contact him @ 616.206.1838  

For less urgent matters:
Email the ministry assistant, Pam: pmhart@nhlchurch.org , or call the church office @616.669.2790 Tuesday-Thursday between 9a & 2p when she is scheduled in the office, or to leave a voice message at any time.  Please be sure to leave your name, call back number and a brief message stating the subject of your inquiry.
